Spider’s Board of Managers and the University of Richmond Investment Committee are valuable advisors to the Spider Management team. Spider’s partners benefit from this extended network, and the additional governance and oversight provided by these groups enable the boards and finance committees of our partners to focus on the broader strategic issues related to their valued missions.
Spider Management Board of Managers
Paul B. Queally, R'86, P'13, P'16, P'20
Ronald A. Crutcher
Former President, University of Richmond
David B. Hale
Executive Vice President & COO, University of Richmond
Kevin F. Hallock
President, University of Richmond
Susan M. Humphreville, B'76
Steve J. Kneeley, R'85, P'18
Charles A. Ledsinger, P'07
William H. McLean, P'09, P'13
President & CIO, Spider Management
Louis W. Moelchert Jr., P'90, P'96
Robert E. Rigsby, R'71
Patricia L. Rowland, W'77, GB'81
University of Richmond Investment Committee
H. Hiter Harris III
Kathleen Hughes Bettencourt, W'89, P'21
David B. Hale
Executive Vice President & COO, University of Richmond
Kevin F. Hallock
President, University of Richmond
Steve J. Kneeley, R'85, P'18
Charles A. Ledsinger, P'07
Herbert H. McDade III, P'15
Louis W. Moelchert Jr., P'90, P'96
Ajay Nagpal, P'23
Kevin R. Seth, P'25, P'26
George W. Wellde Jr., B'74, P'06